The Workers Party London Branch stands in unwavering solidarity with the people of Peckham in opposing Berkeley Homes’ redevelopment plans for the Aylesham Centre. This project exemplifies corporate greed, prioritizing profits over the needs of working-class residents and the preservation of Peckham’s unique identity.

The proposed scheme includes 877 new homes, but only 185 of these will be for social rent—a mere 21%. This offering is shockingly inadequate in addressing Southwark’s housing crisis, where the majority of residents are priced out of even so-called “affordable” housing. Local campaigners have highlighted that 90% of Southwark’s population would be unable to afford the private units in this development.

In addition to failing the community on housing, the project includes plans for towers up to 20 storeys high, completely out of character with Peckham’s historic low-rise architecture. These towers threaten to overshadow the area’s cherished landmarks and cut off light to existing residents and businesses. Such disregard for Peckham’s character and community is unacceptable.

“The Aylesham scheme is a blatant example of capitalism at its worst,” said a Workers Party spokesperson. “Developers like Berkeley Homes are enriching themselves while working-class families face eviction and displacement. These plans will drive up rents, push out local businesses, and destroy Peckham’s vibrant, multicultural community.”

Local activist groups such as Aylesham Community Action have been at the forefront of the resistance, warning of the severe social and economic impact this development will have. The Workers Party fully supports these efforts and urges Southwark Council to listen to the people they represent, not the developers chasing profit.

We also criticize Southwark Council’s repeated failure to prioritize working-class residents when approving large-scale developments. Time and again, local authorities claim to champion affordable housing while greenlighting projects that do little to meet the needs of the majority. This betrayal of public trust must end.

Take Action Now

The Workers Party encourages everyone—both residents of Peckham and allies beyond—to formally object to this harmful proposal. Every objection submitted increases the pressure on Southwark Council to reject this plan and take a stand for its people.


Submit your objection here: Planning Application Objection Link.

Gentrification and social cleansing are not inevitable. With collective action, we can demand a future where communities come before profits and where housing serves people, not developers.

The Workers Party stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Peckham. Together, we say no to social cleansing, no to gentrification, and yes to a community-driven future.